Some Days I Want to Give Up

That’s it. I’m just tired. Being a human is exhausting. Getting out of bed every day and doing my best sometimes feels like such a monumental ordeal that I tear up at the thought. The alternative is just as bad. Laying down, accepting my fate, letting sickness overtake me until there is nothing left… itContinue reading “Some Days I Want to Give Up”

Why You Shouldn’t Say “But”

It’s a simple, three letter word that most of us use regularly in daily conversation. “I didn’t want to go at first, but I had a nice time.” “He seemed really nice, but I didn’t like the way he dressed.” “We were originally going to go to the movies, but then she changed our plansContinue reading “Why You Shouldn’t Say “But””

Healthy Boundaries

Everyone and everything has their limits. It is a completely natural part of life to experience a threshold after which we are uncomfortable moving forward. It seems strange to think that many of us struggle with properly defining those thresholds and communicating them to other people, but it is an extremely common problem. Yesterday duringContinue reading “Healthy Boundaries”

Filling Your Own Cup

Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel. Eleanor Brownn Nearly everyone has heard the phrase “You can’t pour from an empty cup”, but what does that mean to someone living with mental illness? The phrase itself conveys the message that one cannot put energy into helping other people when they doContinue reading “Filling Your Own Cup”

Anorexia: The Selfish Plague

I’ve joined a sort of eating disorder support group. It’s not exactly a typical support group- it’s more of an informal chat between lots of people who have eating disorders. We talk about what we wish we could eat, what triggers us, how to deal with other people’s opinions, favorite snacks and how our disordersContinue reading “Anorexia: The Selfish Plague”

You’re Only As Sick As Your Secrets

Someone gave me that little line of advice once, when I was in a bad spot and unsure of what to do next. I had been struggling significantly, but I didn’t want to tell my loved ones about what I was going through. I hate making others worry about me. If I can handle aContinue reading “You’re Only As Sick As Your Secrets”

Don’t Skip Breakfast

TW: eating disorders, weight loss, restricting For the longest time, I believed that skipping out on my morning meal was the fastest way to losing weight. The longer I went without eating, I thought, the easier it would be to continue the streak. This resulted in me waiting until dinnertime every day before I hadContinue reading “Don’t Skip Breakfast”

The Two Sides of Bipolar

“I went from crying to laughing in, like, two minutes- I’m so bipolar!” “My girlfriend gets crazy mad out of nowhere, I swear she’s bipolar or something.” “Yesterday felt like fall and today it’s snowing… what is with this bipolar weather?” It’s because of seemingly innocuous interactions like these that a lot of people don’tContinue reading “The Two Sides of Bipolar”

Weigh-ins and the Great Plateau

TRIGGER WARNING: weight, calories, eating disorder behaviors I’m not perfect, I know that. For all the focus and effort I put into recovery, I still have my days where I feel like it’s a losing battle. For the last two days, I haven’t lost a single ounce. The scale has read out exactly the sameContinue reading “Weigh-ins and the Great Plateau”

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