Anorexia: The Selfish Plague

I’ve joined a sort of eating disorder support group. It’s not exactly a typical support group- it’s more of an informal chat between lots of people who have eating disorders. We talk about what we wish we could eat, what triggers us, how to deal with other people’s opinions, favorite snacks and how our disordersContinue reading “Anorexia: The Selfish Plague”

Don’t Skip Breakfast

TW: eating disorders, weight loss, restricting For the longest time, I believed that skipping out on my morning meal was the fastest way to losing weight. The longer I went without eating, I thought, the easier it would be to continue the streak. This resulted in me waiting until dinnertime every day before I hadContinue reading “Don’t Skip Breakfast”

Weigh-ins and the Great Plateau

TRIGGER WARNING: weight, calories, eating disorder behaviors I’m not perfect, I know that. For all the focus and effort I put into recovery, I still have my days where I feel like it’s a losing battle. For the last two days, I haven’t lost a single ounce. The scale has read out exactly the sameContinue reading “Weigh-ins and the Great Plateau”

Pulling Back the Curtains of Anorexia

Sometimes, in order to understand our problems we need to visit the true roots of our behavior. Our actions are the surface of a stormy sea, and beneath lie the emotions, distortions, and mantras that secretly generate the waves. At times like these I force myself to stop and ask: Why am I doing this?Continue reading “Pulling Back the Curtains of Anorexia”


If the wind will not serve, take to the oars. Latin Proverb Having control over one’s circumstances is a vital part of feeling secure and developing a sense of purpose. When we feel like we have no say in what happens to us, it is easy to succumb to a sense of hopelessness and depression.Continue reading “Control”

What It Is About Eating

My father first explained to me what anorexia was when he spoke of one of his favorite singers, Karen Carpenter, passing away due to complications of the disease in the 80s. The very idea of it baffled me. “She died because she didn’t eat,” my father told me. “Why didn’t she eat?” I asked. “BecauseContinue reading “What It Is About Eating”

What I Always Have Been

When trying to recount a life, especially a life that has been touched by mental illness, it can be hard to paint a broad enough picture. It’s difficult to document a story full of soaring highs and earth shattering lows in a way that does not give the reader whiplash. How can one possibly encapsulateContinue reading “What I Always Have Been”

What I’m All About

Thank you for visiting my page. This post serves as a brief explanation of who I am, and why I have chosen to share this blog with you. My name is Avery, and I am 25 years young. I have been living with Bipolar Disorder, Anorexia, Generalized Anxiety, and ADD for as long as IContinue reading “What I’m All About”

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